All photography provided by Jared Chambers

You can make a difference. Some of the services we provide include:

  • printed materials about all Boston Public School high schools

  • printed materials about many other high schools in and around Boston

  • computer access for internet search

  • computer access for web-based applications 

  • high school entrance testing information

  • scholarships for testing registration fees

  • scholarships for testing preparation materials

  • scholarships for high school application fees

  • logistical solutions for high school representatives to meet students

  • cost of transportations for students to visit schools

  • cost of postage for students' application materials (always including tracking)



Your donation allows us to continue our work. We help connect 8th grade students and high schools. Help us help students find out about and apply to the school that might match them. 

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Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about the challenges each 8th grade student in Boston Public Schools faces in order to enter 9th grade. Connect with an 8th grade student and help that student through this process.  Or, support us as we do the same.   

Join the Organization →